"... Untuk bisa mandiri orang harus bisa bekerja keras dan memiliki ilmu pengetahuan."
(H. Achmad Bakrie)
- Pajak
- Keuangan
- Manajerial
- Sektor Publik
Ilmu Politik
- Hubungan Internasional
- Kebijakan Publik
- Pemasaran
- Sumber Daya
- Keuangan
- Operasi
Ilmu Komunikasi
- Komunikasi Pemasaran
- Komunikasi Korporasi
- Jurnalisme Multimedia
Sistem Informasi
- Sistem Basis Data Perusahaan
- Teknik Rekayasa Aplikasi
- Jaringan
- Manajemen Pengetahuan
- Sistem Informasi Perusahaan
- Sistem Informasi Bisnis
- Media dan Data Informatika
- Informatika Seluler
- Jaringan Informatika
Teknik Industri
- Sistem Manufaktur
- Perancangan Sistem Kerja dan Ergonomi
- Statistik dan Pemodelan
- Manajemen Rantai Pasok
- Manajemen Kualitas
Teknik Sipil
- Rekayasa Struktur
- Rekayasa Geoteknik
- Rekayasa Transportasi
- Manajemen Konstruksi
- Sumber Daya Air
Teknik Lingkungan
- Pertambangan Berkelanjutan dan Berwawasan Lingkungan
- Climate Change dan Energi Terbarukan
- Smart City
- Ecotourism
Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan
- Kimia dan Analisis Pangan
- Mikrobiologi dan Keamanan Pangan
- Rekayasa dan Proses Pengolahan Pangan
- Biokimia Pangan, Gizi, dan Kesehatan
- Technopreneur
Magister Manajemen
- Kewirausahaan
- Pemasaran
- Keuangan
- Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan
- Operasi
Magister Komunikasi
- Komunikasi Pemasaran dan Merek
- Komunikasi Perusahaan dan Hubungan Publik
- Komunikasi Media Digital
Pusat Inovasi dan Inkubator Bisnis
Digital Marketing
Discussing digital marketing for retail and corporate, this program is aimed at everyone who has a business in the retail and corporate sectorsLeadership Training
Leadership is a very important thing in an organization, so leadership is an important thing that must be achieved by someone.Design and Innovation Training
Design of Thinking is a human problem solving design where the people involved in the business process provide effective solutions
Lembaga Penelitian
dan Pengembangan
LPP Universitas Bakrie manages research activities conducted by scholars in various fields based on their expertise.read more
Lembaga Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
LPkM is a part of interaction between members of the academic community, government, business industry, and society.read more
Pusat Studi
Committed to developing the geopark concept as a forum for studies, academic research, and innovationread more
Berita Universitas Bakrie
Kelompok Usaha Bakrie
Kolaborasi IndustriUniversitas Bakrie is supported by 250 companies of the Bakrie Business Group from various industries, including coal, mining, oil and gas, agribusiness, property, infrastructure, media, and entertainment.
Students in Universitas Bakrie have a greater opportunity to experience internships and career paths in the Bakrie Business Group.
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Aktivitas Mahasiwa
Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa is an instrument to develop student interests and talents in sports, arts, culture, language, and religious activities.
Kegiatan Kampus
Universitas Bakrie is located strategically in the golden triangle of Kuningan Jakarta, integrated with the most excellent public facilities to support the learning process optimally.