(Industrial Engineering Student Association established on June, 18th 2012
HMTI-UB is an executive organization in study program level that accumulates all the Industrial Engineering Students . HMTI – UB has function as a place to carry out and develop students’ activity in Industrial Engineering so that it can increase performance and knowledge of the students in academic and outside academic.
Aktifitas proker terbaru
- KSATRIA XI (Kebersamaan Mahasiswa/i Teknik Industri Angkatan X) , KSATRIA XI merupakan program kerja dari Departemen SDM yang melakukan orientasi serta pengenalan nilai-nilai disiplin Program Studi Teknik Industri kepada Mahasiswa baru Teknik Industri Universitas Bakrie. KSATRIA XI ini dilaksanakan 2 hari pada tanggal 23 dan 24 Oktober 2021
- Open House HMTI, Open House HMTI merupakan suatu program yang dilaksanakan untuk memperkenalkan periode baru Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Industri kepada Keluarga Mahasiswa Universitas Bakrie agar dapat terjalin hubungan yang baik antara HMTI dan KM-UB. Open house ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 18 desember 2021
- Mentoring Program , Mentoring program merupakan sebuah program berbagi pengalaman dan pengetahuan antara adik asuh dengan kakak asuh melalui interaksi dalam bidang akademik maupun non akademik. Kakak asuh memiliki tanggung jawab untuk membimbing, berbagi pengalaman serta memberikan masukan dan saran kepada adik asuh mengenai seputar perkuliahan. Program kerja ini juga bertujuan untuk menciptakan keakraban antar mahasiswa Teknik Industri Universitas Bakrie
- Studi Banding, Studi banding merupakan program kerja dari Litbang yang meninjau dan melakukan evaluasi terhadap hasil kerja dari anggota serta program kerja dari HMTI yang telah dilaksanakan dengan membandingkan hasil dari program kerja yang telah dilakukan oleh HMTI universitas lain. Proker ini akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 29 januari 2022 mendatang.
To become a Student Association that cherishes Alma mater, emphasizing solidarity and excellence while upholding knowledge and good virtue with the technopreneurship principle.
- o strengthen internal and external relations of Information Technology Student and among other Study Programs).
- To funnel constructively all the students’ aspiration of Information Technology).
- To build Information Technology students human resources so that they can have equal competitiveness in academic and non academic).
- To give a proper place for Information Technology Students that have potential in a certain subject).
- To encourage Information Technology Students so that they can play active role in responding issues in classes and outside classes).
- To provide facility in order to help Information Technology students that have constraints in academic and outside academic).
- To develop entrepreneurship ability of Information Technology Students using available technology tools.
Member HMTI-UB PERIODE 2021/2022 |
Departemen + BPI |
Name |
Position |
Dimaz Arya Dewangga |
1192003004 |
Head |
Hanifah Raihanah Shahab |
1192003024 |
Vice Chairman |
Zafira Rachmah Putri |
1192003014 |
General Secretary |
Salsabila Ambotuwo |
1192003009 |
General Treasury |
Hendika Adriawan Jordan |
1192003025 |
Head Departemen Student Human Resources Department |
Rania Prabandari |
1192003001 |
General Secretary Student Human Resources Department |
Aldira Desqitha Ramadhani |
1202003014 |
Staff Departemen Student Human Resources Department |
Nurasifah |
1202003010 |
Staff Departemen Student Human Resources Department |
AP |
Shabrina Mitsalina |
1192003018 |
Head Departemen Pengembangan Akademik |
Alya Ramadhani |
1202003008 |
General Secretary Departemen Pengembangan Akademik |
Achmad Naufal Saslagian |
1202003021 |
Staff Departemen Pengembangan Akademik |
Shalma Putri Merindyan |
1202003016 |
Staff Departemen Pengembangan Akademik |
Litbang |
Ermi Rian Budi Wibowo |
1192003015 |
Head Research and Development Department |
Dewi Sekar Ayu Pratiwi |
1192003019 |
General Secretary Research and Development Department |
Muhammad Rifqi Rahman |
1192003026 |
Staff Research and Development Department |
Adif Dwi Riyanto |
1202003005 |
Staff Research and Development Department |
Danty Alifiani M. |
1202003013 |
Staff Research and Development Department |
Humas |
Rafi Ramadhan |
1192003013 |
Head Public Relations Department |
Mayang Dafa Dwi Resti |
1202003018 |
General Secretary Public Relations Department |
Vikry Maulana Vadri |
1202003002 |
Staff Public Relations Department |
Aulia Rachmat Ramadhan |
1192003002 |
Head Entrepreneurship Department |
Rima Azari |
1192003020 |
General Secretary Entrepreneurship Department |
Ratri Yunita Lestari |
1202003015 |
Staff Entrepreneurship Department |
Muhammad Bahri |
1202003012 |
Staff Entrepreneurship Department |
Twitter : @hmtil_ub
Website: tin.bakrie.ac.id
Facebook: HMTI UB