HTML is a student organization created as facility and infrastructure Environmental Engineering students in direct or indirect relations with Bakrie University , BEM, Senate and other Student Organizations . In addition , HTML created to support Environmental Engineering Students, withhold students’ aspiration and creative ideas and innovation that can be applied in daily life and useful for anyone


To make HTML – UB as a place to channel Environmental Engineering students’ aspiration and creativity by applying family principle and organization transparency


  1.   Optimize HTML-UB role in channeling of Environmental Engineering Students’ aspiration, interest and creativity.
  2.   Apply family principle and transparency in running every working program.
  3.   Actively follow the activity of Environmental Engineering in increasing the students’ welfare.
  4.   Maintain good relations and increase cooperation with internal and external parties HTML – UB. 


Organization Structure

Twitter : @HMTL_UB
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.